STEAM for school - now booking for 2024-2025 school year

Students will have a one-of-a-kind experience in our STEAM programs!

Our flexible & enthusiastic education team can offer programs in one of three ways:


  • 60-minute educational program with our team (see program descriptions below)

    • See which programs are available in Spanish below!

  • 60-minute customized tour of the museum that connects to & applies what they learn in their program

  • $12/student, $10/student for Title 1


  • 60-minute educational program with our team (see program descriptions below)

    • See which programs are available in Spanish below!

  • Each student receives 1 museum buy one, get one free pass to visit in their free time

  • $12/student, $10/student for Title 1


  • 60-minute educational program with our team delivered via Zoom (see program descriptions below)

  • Each student receives 1 museum buy one, get one free pass to visit in their free time

  • Program materials are included in the price and will be given to teachers in advance of the program

    • If school/educator’s home are within 15 miles of Balboa Park, program materials will be delivered to school/educator for distribution to their students. 

    • If school/educator’s home are 15 miles or more from Balboa Park, program materials can be collected from the museum via contactless pickup at a pre-scheduled time. 

Unguided Field Trip

  • Reservation required for groups of 20 or more

  • Full Policy

STEAM for School programs are not included with museum membership or any other complimentary offer.

Contact us to book your program!

To book or ask any questions, please email or call (619) 696-0199 ext. 109

Book by PROGRAm - Now Booking for the 2024-2024 School year

children building arch bridges out of blocks on a table

The Able Arch & the Trusty Truss

Level #1 – Grades 3-5
Level #2 – Grades 6-8

Available to be taught in Spanish!

What makes arches and triangles so strong? Students will learn about both the physical science and history of arch and truss bridges. Students will perform four experiments to investigate the inherent strength of these shapes and understand why civil engineers frequently use them in the design and construction of structures in general and bridges in particular. Leveled content, including a student assessment accompany the program.



3-5 ETS1-1, 2, 3

MS-ETS1-1, 2, 4

PS2.A, B

two middle school students making scale models out of paper

Working with Scale

Grades 6-8

Spanish translation coming soon!

In Working with Scale, students explore the concepts of scale and proportion, along with the relationship between ratios, fractions and decimals. They will learn the various scales used in model railroading and understand that any object can be scaled either up or down. Students will create three-dimensional robots using a few different scales.




children placing foam blocks on a foam board decorated to look like a city

Communities Then & Now: Making a 3D Model

Grades TK-2nd

Available to be taught in Spanish!

How are we alike and/or different from people who lived in the past? This program features our unique collection of historic California model railroads to engage students in an exploration of the past, and an understanding of how some things change while others stay the same. Students identify community elements on model railroad layouts and compare and contrast them to their contemporary equivalents. Finally, students build a 3D model of their community.



K-PS2-1, K-ESS2-2, 1-LS1-1, 2-PS1-2

California History-Social Science:

K.4., K.6., K.6.3.,1.2., 1.2.1., 1.2.2., 1.4, 1.4.2., 2.2

children placing color wooden US states into their correct place on the map

Transcontinental railroad

Grades 3-5

Spanish translation coming soon!

Connecting from coast to coast, the Transcontinental Railroad was the first ever continuous railroad line that spanned across the United States. From establishing new railroad companies, hiring a fleet of laborers, and navigating through mountainous terrain the Transcontinental Railroad was no easy task. In the workshop, students will explore critical concepts of map scaling and topography, state location and US regions, the Railroad acts of 1862 and key players, governmental sponsorship and funding, environmental and social impacts, and role that the railroad line played in unifying the East to the West. 

Students will participate in an hour-long workshop that connects with the California History Social Science Content Standards and Environmental Principles and Concepts. Students will work together to create a scale model map of the United States and identify the route taken by competing railroad companies to establish the TCR line. Classes will also collaborate on a unit poster depicting the final line and will be brought back to the classroom. This program highlights the points in which our Californian model railroad displays connect with the Transcontinental Railroad and educate students on local and national railroad history. 


CA History Social Science: 3.1.1, 3.1.2,, 4.1, 4.4, 5.9

California Environmental Principles and Concepts: Principle 2 - Concept A-D, Principle 5 – Concept A-B,

Unguided Field Trip (reservation required for school groups over 20)

β€œMy students loved the trip and it gave me a great starting point for teaching engineering!”

- Jenifer Da Luz, 5th Grade Teacher at Chesterton Elementary School

β€œI loved how hands-on and educational the experience was...We came back to class after and put our community creations together! So much fun! Thanks again and looking forward to visiting soon!”

-Kristen Kilian, Ocean Beach Elementary, on her experience at Communities Then & Now (2019)

β€œThank you so much for leading us in the virtual field trip last week! On behalf of my colleagues and I, we want to say thank you; the students LOVED the experience!…I look forward to hopefully being able to do this again next year.”

- Josie Gomez, Mae Ellis Elementary School, on her experience at Communities Then and Now (Virtual, 2021)

Special thanks to The Cushman Foundation, The thoresen Foundation, and our SDMRM Educational Program Donors for their generous Support toward Educational Outreach Services and making programs accessible to underserved students in San Diego

The Cushman Foundation

The Thoresen Foundation

In Memory of Michal Zelinski

Steven R. Pierce